Zen, the art of being peaceful and calm. A staple in Buddhism practices, Zen focuses on eliminating stressors to be fully at ease in the moment. To sustain your mental health, zen practices are necessary for everyday living.
In the climate we live in, peace is vital for your mental health. The omission of peace is detrimental to one’s mental health. As cliche as it may sound, mental health is mental wealth. There’s beauty in slowing down.
By moving too fast, we can develop feelings of needing to do more. We should ask ourselves, what is more exactly? Why do we feel the need to do more? What would happen if we just slowed down.
To mindfully slow down this week…here are five quick ways to add more zen in your life.
- Slowly rise in the morning. Take your time. Don’t rush your shower, morning coffee, or getting dressed. Go with the flow. Move at a pace that feels right for you. If you find yourself rushing, ask yourself what are you rushing for?
- Mindful breathing. Take moments in your day to stop and breathe. Take deep breaths. Find peace in the stillness that comes with breathing. To take things up a notch you can say what you’re grateful for after each breath.
- Catch a sunrise or sunset. Be honest, when’s the last time you caught a sunrise or sunset. Watching a sunrise or sunset creates harmonious energy in slowing down.
- Do less in your day. Complete essential activities and tasks, then relax. Deadlines and obligations can be postponed.
- Mindset shift. Transition your mind into a zen state. Go with the flow of everything. If challenges occur, be at peace with it. Keeping a zen mindset can change the frequency in the types of energy you attract.
Enjoy your week of zenning out.
Until next time,
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