I hope this post is finding everyone in the highest of vibrations. Today, I feel called from a higher source to deliver this message…
Healers it’s time! This is a call to action. As we embrace the uncertainty of the coronavirus, it’s time for healers to step up! Healers need to assist in shifting the collect conscious of the world. Let’s be honest, the energy in the world is not great. New reports, social media, and being in the home is influencing everyone’s vibration.
So how can healers step up? Healers, can step up by sharing your work with the world. Healers, walk in your purpose but make it digital! Give your services. Think twice about adding a monetary value to your services.
Continue making digital content to help heal the world. Music is healing. Comedy is healing. Writing is healing. Podcasts are healing. YouTube videos can be healing. Whatever you do, whatever your gift is… use your gift to help the world heal during this time.
We are truly on the brink of things getting very real. One message can be the breakthrough a person needs to stay strong in this cultural climate. To be a healer is a special gift. Only a select few are called to live the healer life. To help people heal takes much sacrifice. The time has come…healers it’s time.
Until Next Time,