Halloween 2015! I remember this day clearly. The morning started of good. I got up, ate breakfast put on my costume and headed to work. It was Halloween, which meant a laid back day of teaching. I was excited about seeing my students in costumes and I knew my teaching department would win for best group costume. The day went by smoothly. Classes went by fast and students were happy. 3:30pm the school bell rang. I hurried my students out the building to carpool. As soon as my last student got into the car, the weekend began.
After work, I planned on going to a teacher party. Teacher parties are interesting. Like a student once said to me, “you never know what teachers do after 5pm”, which is absolutely correct! Before the party, I went home and took a nap.
I love naps! After my nap I got up and put my costume on. Got in the car. Drove to the party. The party was in some far White suburb of Denver. I knew I wouldn’t stay long at the party, because I was Black in a White neighborhood and it was Halloween.
Couple hours into the party, I had a drink and mingled. After realizing it was getting late, I knew it was time to go home. Got in my car, put on my seat belt and drove off. For some reason I was nervous about driving home. Instinctively, I knew something was about to happen. I kept thinking if I can make it to the highway, I’ll be fine.
While driving, I noticed the stop light to get to the highway wasn’t working. I sat at the streetlight way too long. 10 mins went by. I was the only car on the street. I got nervous. Black woman, White neighborhood (enough said). Out of fear, I ran the streetlight. Now you may be thinking why would you run the light?
As a Black woman, stuck on an isolated street… I wanted to get home quickly and safely. The streetlight never moved. As soon as I ran the light, three cop cars pulled me over. Immediately, my heart started beating fast. I was fucking scared! Deep down, I knew they stopped the street lights, because how could three cop cars pop out of nowhere to pull me over.
I pulled over. When I pulled over, I rolled down all the car windows. I turned on the lights inside my car and put my hand on the steering wheel. In panic I wanted to make sure I didn’t look like a “threat” to the cops. Three cops walked towards my car. As I looked in the rear view mirror, I noticed they all have their guns pointed at me as they walk. Guns where cocked and ready to fire!
In my mind, I was thinking “they’re going to fucking kill me”. I started to panic. I tried to get my phone ready to record and dropped my phone on the floor. I didn’t pick my phone up because, I didn’t want them to think I was reaching for a weapon. As they slowly approached my car ready to shoot…they surrounded me. One cop on the left. One cop on the right. One cop in the back of the car.
The cop on the left (driver’s side) said, “do you know what we are pulling you over for?”
Tears rolling down my face I said, “I’m very scared, you all have your guns pointed at me.”
Cop said again,”do you know what we are pulling you over for?”
I said, “because I ran the streetlight. I ran the streetlight because it wasn’t working. I didn’t feel safe being stuck at a streetlight this late at night. Your pointing your gun at me and I didn’t do anything wrong. You’re scaring me!”
Cop goes “licence and registration please”.
I said, “I’m going to open the glove compartment to get my license and registration, is that okay”, I lean over get my license and registration and hand it to the cop.
The cop walks back to his car.
The other cops still had their guns pointed at me. 15 minutes go by. My heart is racing, tears are running down my face. The cop comes back. The cop hands me my license and registration.
Cop said, “you can go home”. They put the guns away. Got in they’re cars. I drive off. I kept the windows down, so I could feel the cool breeze across my face. I wiped the salty tears from my face. As soon as I got within the city limits of Denver, I pulled over in a 711 store across the street from my home.
In the parking lot I cried! I picked up my phone to call my boyfriend at the time. I let him know what happened. It was too late to call my parents. I then text my teacher friend at the party to let her know what happened.
I left the parking lot. Drove across the street. Went in the house. Locked the door. Took of my clothes and cried. I felt scared. I felt anxious. I was physically shaking. I felt helpless.
When I think about that day, I am blessed to be alive. Was I wrong from running the streetlight, yes. But did running a streetlight warrant three cops to point they’re loaded guns at me, NO! The cops could have easily pulled me over and walked up to the car without guns.
Experiencing a situation such as this was traumatic. It was an experience I will never forget. I wanted to share my experience, adding confirmation of police brutality being a very real thing. I also wanted to share a direct experience adding to the narratives of unjust treatment Black people receive when interacting with law enforcement. Being Black does not constitute any reason for law enforcement to treat us unjustly.
Until Next Time,
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