Hope your prepared. Now starts all the blog posts about my Bali Holiday. Getting to Bali was a long journey. It took over 40 hours. I flew to Bali with my cousin Azjia (pictured to the right). The long journey to Bali was because of flight delays. We flew from Arizona to New York. From New York to Qatar and Qatar to Bali. Every flight of our trip was delayed beyond what we expected. My advice for long layovers…
- Research each destination ahead of time.
- Determine activities you can do during your layover.
- Pack extra clothes in your carry-on bag. Most international airports have showers.
- Get an extra passport stamp en-route to your destination if possible.
We made the most out of our flight delays. When we finally arrived in Qatar, we were determined to be out in the Doha streets. We had seven hours to explore. After going through several rounds of security to get another passport stamp, we took the city transit system and visited the National Museum of Qatar.
Btw, the public transit is very nice. The men in Qatar are beautiful. Also, I saw more Black people in Qatar than I have in Arizona. Here are a few pictures from over layover experience in Doha.
Until Next Time,