Hey Heyy,
Today’s blog post has been inspired by recent things I’ve seen online and conversations I’ve been having. Lately, I’ve noticed the glorifying of toxic behavior, toxic relationships, just overall toxic ways of living. Such glorification has many people confused into believing toxic behavior is a normal way of life.
I’m not sure who needs to hear this but, it’s not normal to…
- Stay in an abusive relationship.
- Curse, scream, and yell at people.
- Be drunk and high all the time.
- Be around drama all the time.
- Always play the victim.
- Cheat and manipulate.
- Physically harm yourself or others.
- Sexually violate people.
- Be negative and complain all the time.
As adults we all have choices. Toxicity is a choice! I repeat, toxicity is a choice! As adults we have to take responsibility for the types of people and energetic situations we allow into our lives. When you allow toxic situations into your life, don’t cry woe is me. Active participation in dysfunction comes with consequences. Own your ish!
Now some people reading this may say, growing up in dysfunction is the reason they act a certain way. I understand but I can’t empathize with a diabolical excuse. How we are raised doesn’t give us the right to continue toxic behavior as adults. The moment we are able to distinguish what toxic behavior is, it is up to us to change those behaviors. This is why self-work is so important and one of the hardest jobs in our lives.
When we engage in toxic behavior it is a dishonor to ourselves. Do we not love ourselves enough to make healthier choices serving our highest self? Make good choices! Make non-toxic choices! If you find yourself getting off track, take a moment. Pause/reflect and get back on track.
Until Next Time,
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