A few days ago, I took the observatory role and watched people online hate on who they perceive me to be. It is interesting how so many people feel more comfortable with manifesting and receiving the energy of hate.
As I watched in amazement, I just felt sad for them. I’m a very lowkey person, I don’t bother people. I stay in my lane. Truth be told…I’m focused on raising my vibration levels higher and being a positive influence in the world. So, to see several message threads directed towards me was crazy.
As I reflected, which is something I do all the time…I started to wonder why do people love to hate but, hate to love? In the process of my reflection, the online banter served as a teachable moment. A teachable moment for me to share, what I know to be true about love and hate.
Here’s what I know to be true…
Hating on another person is a mere reflection of where you are in life. Hate in the catalyst of limited self-love and self-worth. Instead of hating, people should be diligent in using words to uplift and heal people. Practicing hate allows self-pain to flourish. Hate is the indicator that a person has a lot of self-work to do. In the past I operated from a space of hate, however as I evolved my being/thinking changed.
Practicing love is easy when your solidified with who you are as a person.
Practicing love looks like:
- Embracing differences
- Having humility
- Compassion
- Practicing empathy
- Associating yourself with people that support spreading love
- Shamelessly admitting when you struggle with giving and receiving love
- Doing your self-work
Love is powerful and liberating…hate just reflects our insecurities. Love more and hate less.
Until next time…