2016 has been the most challenging yet beautiful year of my life. Challenging in the sense that I had to remove myself of old patterned behaviors, to transcend into my new journey of life. Honestly speaking, I was not ready to make a change but the universe felt differently.
When I reflect back, January till mid-June were the darkest days of my life. I literally didn’t want to wake up, and didn’t find my life purposeful. For half of the year I was severely depressed, and had massive anxiety attacks all the time. Stuck in the midst of my struggles, I started to wonder what would my life be like if I dared greatly (shout out to Brene Brown).
When I finally built the courage to dare greatly, I…
- Put myself first
- Loved myself
- Left an emotionally abusive relationship
- Quit my job
- Struggled financially to gain inner peace and unconsciously improved my finances
- Traveled a lot
- Lost friends
- Built stronger friendships
- Committed myself to a spiritual journey
- Ascended spiritually
- Evolved in therapy
- Started/maintained a self-care regimen
- Started eating healthy which resulted in weight loss
- Grew as a writer
- Purged everything that no longer served me
From daring greatly, I am no longer in that dark space anymore. 2016 I categorized by the mantra #yearofpeach. I successfully accomplished my mantra! But who knew…that I would have to lose everything to gain so much more in return. I gained myself back! I gained back PEACH! I arrived at my destination (point intended) Destination Peach. Nothing can take away the inner joy and happiness I feel. I still have my down moments but that’s natural. Everything I envisioned for myself and manifested on my vision board came into existence. I did my self-work and I’m excited for 2017!
Until next time…